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Showing 9 of 9 support listings
Employment support for those with learning disabilities
A charity that helps anyone with a learning disability to look at employment options, choose a course or career, search for jobs, create a CV and practice mock interviews.
NI Direct
Northern Ireland careers service
The Careers Service offers information, advice and guidance to all ages. Chat online, by phone or in person at your nearest Careers office.
Green Jobs
Find a job in the green industry sector
A job board that focuses on jobs and careers across all areas of the environmental and renewable energy.
See company reviews to aid your job search
Provides information about salaries, interviews, and employers, and offers help with job search.
Find jobs within charity and not for profit sector
Recruitment agency where you can search for jobs within the not-for-profit sector at every level.
Not Going To Uni
University alternatives for school leavers
A free website that shows a range of alternatives to the standard university route to school and college leavers including apprenticeships.
Youth Employment UK
Careers advice for 14-24 year olds
Not-for-profit social enterprise founded to help tackle youth unemployment, by providing young people with skills and careers support.
Community Care Jobs
Social care job site
Search and apply for the latest jobs within the social care sector.
Careers advice and job search site
Offers careers advice, a job-finder tool and guidance on job applications.