Find a volunteering opportunity
Showing 11 of 11 support listings
The Career Break Site
Career break advice and ideas
Advice and guidance on how to plan a career break or use a career break to support a career change. Links to training, paid work and voluntary work in the UK and abroad.
Scottish Tech Army
Tech volunteer opportunities in Scotland
Opportunities for people with IT experience to get involved in projects to support Scottish Government, Local Authorities and other organisations.
Greenpeace volunteering
Information about how to volunteer for Greenpeace and take part in action against climate change.
Reach Volunteering
Find charity volunteering opportunities
Reach is a skills-based volunteering charity in the UK connecting people, skills, and good causes.
Charity Job
Find roles in the charity and non-profit sectors
Offering the UK’S largest job board specifically created for charity, not for profit, third sector, and voluntary jobs. Available nationwide.
Volunteering Matters
For finding volunteering roles near you
Volunteering Matters is UK charity which helps citizens play an active role in their local community through various volunteering opportunities available nationally.
A database of UK volunteering opportunities
Volunteer for people and causes that matter to you. You can search more than a million volunteering opportunities by interest, activity or location and then apply online.
Volunteer Scotland
Volunteering opportunities in Scotland
Volunteer Scotland makes volunteering easy for everyone so that more people volunteer and have a great time. Use the website to find contact details of support offices near you.
Learn more about volunteering
Connects people and organisations champions volunteering and the voluntary sector.
British Red Cross
Become a community reserve volunteer
By becoming a Red Cross community reserve volunteer you will help your community get back on track in the event of a major local emergency.
Local Helpers
Find local support or volunteer locally
Find people in your area that can help with doing the shopping, offer company, etc.