Free or low cost legal support
Showing 4 of 4 support listings
RCJ Advice Bureau Service
Free legal advice for civil and family cases
RCJ offers free legal advice to individuals who are either involved or soon to be involved in a court case in the civil or family courts and who are unable to afford regular legal services.
Legal aid can help pay for legal costs
Legal aid can help meet the costs of legal advice, family mediation and representation in a court or tribunal. Find out more here.
Law Centres Network
Free legal advice locally and by phone
All Law Centres offer face-to-face legal advice to local residents, and some run a telephone advice line.
Law works
Free legal advice clinics in England and Wales
Clinics on the LawWorks Clinics Network provide free initial advice to individuals, predominantly in the area of social welfare law on either a drop-in or appointment basis.