9 Results
We provide impartial, tailored information and specialist support on brain and spine conditions, like MS, including questions to ask at your next appointment.
We answer questions about multiple sclerosis and life with the condition. You may have MS yourself, be a friend, family member or health professional who'd like more information.
We're here to support you, whether you are awaiting a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis or have been living with the condition for years.
Shift.ms is the social network for people with multiple sclerosis. Founded by MSers, they support thousands of recently diagnosed people across the world as they make sense of MS.
You don't have to be alone on your journey. Contact us about anything, whether it is about managing your symptoms, accessing benefits or simply to chat.
This group is for people living with Multiple Sclerosis - MS - or going through diagnosis. Here you can ask questions, share experiences, or share a laugh and a joke.
Call our free MS Helpline for a confidential chat about anything MS, or information on MS symptoms, MS research, MS diagnosis, disability benefits, or what services are available.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms. Find more information here.
Contact us via email for a confidential chat about anything MS, or information on MS symptoms, MS research, MS diagnosis, disability benefits, or what services are available.