Search again Or browse - Select category Crime Health and care Housing Money and benefits Pets and animals Relationships and family Something else Wellbeing and happiness Work and study Your rights - Subcategory Addiction Arthritis Asthma Blindness or sight loss Cancer - breast cancer Cancer - other cancer Cancer - prostate cancer Chronic fatigue and ME COPD Coronavirus Deafness or hearing loss Dementia or alzheimers Dental Diabetes Disability Elderly care End of life Epilepsy Heart disease or issues HIV or aids Hypertension or blood pressure Mens health Mental health Multiple sclerosis Neuromuscular disorder Other health and care Pregnancy or birth Sexual health or family planning Skin conditions Stroke Womens health Filter × Filter results Type Advocacy and legal support Classes and activities Emergency or crisis response Emotional support Financial support Guidance or advice Health or care services Information or signposting Practical support Social or peer support Something else Format App Audio or podcast Locally Online Phone or helpline Publication or blog Something else Text Video or vlog Webchat or email Accessibility - Select country England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales - Opening times 24/7 Anytime - online resource Evenings Weekdays Weekends - Language spoken Arabic Bengali British Sign Language Chinese languages Dari English Farsi French Gujarati Kurdish Other Polish Portuguese Punjabi Spanish Urdu Welsh - Disability friendly Cognitive Physical Profound and multiple Sensory Cost £ ££ £££ Free Referral No referral required Referral required Specifically designed for... Armed Forces or veterans Black and minority ethnic Carers Disabled Homeless LGBT Low income Offenders or exoffenders Parents Refugee or asylum seeker Single parents Students Unemployed - Certain age group Adults Aged 65 or over Babies and toddlers Children Teens Young adults - Certain gender Female Male Nonbinary Clear all Search again Or browse - Select category Crime Health and care Housing Money and benefits Pets and animals Relationships and family Something else Wellbeing and happiness Work and study Your rights - Subcategory Addiction Arthritis Asthma Blindness or sight loss Cancer - breast cancer Cancer - other cancer Cancer - prostate cancer Chronic fatigue and ME COPD Coronavirus Deafness or hearing loss Dementia or alzheimers Dental Diabetes Disability Elderly care End of life Epilepsy Heart disease or issues HIV or aids Hypertension or blood pressure Mens health Mental health Multiple sclerosis Neuromuscular disorder Other health and care Pregnancy or birth Sexual health or family planning Skin conditions Stroke Womens health Filter × Filter results Type Advocacy and legal support Classes and activities Emergency or crisis response Emotional support Financial support Guidance or advice Health or care services Information or signposting Practical support Social or peer support Something else Format App Audio or podcast Locally Online Phone or helpline Publication or blog Something else Text Video or vlog Webchat or email Accessibility - Select country England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales - Opening times 24/7 Anytime - online resource Evenings Weekdays Weekends - Language spoken Arabic Bengali British Sign Language Chinese languages Dari English Farsi French Gujarati Kurdish Other Polish Portuguese Punjabi Spanish Urdu Welsh - Disability friendly Cognitive Physical Profound and multiple Sensory Cost £ ££ £££ Free Referral No referral required Referral required Specifically designed for... Armed Forces or veterans Black and minority ethnic Carers Disabled Homeless LGBT Low income Offenders or exoffenders Parents Refugee or asylum seeker Single parents Students Unemployed - Certain age group Adults Aged 65 or over Babies and toddlers Children Teens Young adults - Certain gender Female Male Nonbinary Clear all 3 Results ARNI A charity for stroke survivors and families: providing specialist rehabilitation and exercise support. Helpline open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Thanks Isabel! | Reviewed 23.10.2019 Different Strokes We help younger Stroke Survivors reclaim their lives through active peer support and independent recovery. Thanks Isabel and Andy! | Reviewed 23.10.2019 Stroke Association We’re here to support people to rebuild their lives after stroke. We hold groups, run and supported by people affected by stroke; providing essential long-term peer support. Thanks Isabel and Sian! | Reviewed 23.10.2019