Getting Out And About With MS

My advice
Find someone or something that makes you happy and focus on that. Get out the house, exercise and eat healthy!My recommendations
My story
My older sister has Multiple Sclerosis for years, now SPMS or Secondary Progressive MS which is pretty severe. Last year I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS aka RRMS. A year on and my condition is worsening. I’ve seen it get worse over the years for my sister and I know it’s probably heading that way. For a while I tried to ignore the diagnosis and deny it but that doesn’t help. Now I want to do whatever I can to slow the progression and fight it.
It’s difficult to predict when and how much the symptoms will strike. Sometimes I can go walk to and around the local park no problem, other times I struggle to make it home. Last week I smashed a glass while trying to get a drink. It can really upset me when these things happen but my best friend helps by listening to my rants, I’m really lucky to have her. I don’t think it’s fair but there are people in much worse off positions.
I can still try new things, go new places. Recently I started a writing course which helps take my mind off it. Often, I can feel off balance and my legs will go weak. I want to be able to get out and about independently still so I got myself a switch stick (I’m not ready for a scooter like my sister!). I eat healthily – check out Wahls protocol - and been doing muscle strengthening exercises at home each day. These are the things that help me but everyone is different.
Don’t let MS take over your life and don’t give up.