Advocacy services after fatal domestic abuse

Supports those who have been affected by fatal domestic abuse with advocacy during criminal justice proceedings. They also provide emotional, practical and specialist peer support.

Get help with funeral costs in England and Wales

How to apply for a Funeral Expenses Payment to help pay for funeral costs in England and Wales.

Get help with funeral costs in Scotland

How to apply for a Funeral Support Payment to help pay for funeral costs in Scotland.

Get help with funeral costs in Northern Ireland

How to apply for a Funeral Expenses Payment to help pay for funeral costs in Northern Ireland.

Baby loss charity in Scotland

Provides baby loss counselling and support to families, bereavement care in communities across Scotland, online support groups and over the phone.

NHS advice on bereavement and loss

Things you can do to help with bereavement, grief, and loss.

Inform multiple companies of a death

A service to notify banks, utilities, insurance and pension companies of a person’s death all in one go.

Free online bereavement support

Support and resources for bereaved people. Covers national bereavement support services, specialist providers, and local provision.

How to inform Government of a death

Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations in one go.

Coping with death by drugs or alcohol

Provides a source of information and support for anyone whose loved one has died as a result of drug or alcohol use.

How to tell others of a loss

Whether you are breaking the news to a close relative, friend or carer, or to someone you don’t know very well, this guidance may help.

Being with someone when they die

Provides information on what to expect and prepare yourself to be with someone when they die.

Funeral director comparison site

Compare funeral directors near you. Contains step-by-step guides and offers help and advice from arranging a funeral to coping with bereavement.

Child death free helpline

Provides a confidential freephone service to anyone affected by the death of a child of any age. Check website for opening hours.

Bereaved parent befriending

Charity created by a group of bereaved mothers who have experienced the pain of losing a baby. Help includes speaking to a trained befriender and receiving a memorial comfort bear.

Bereavement support payment information

Find information on bereavement support payment and other benefits.

Stillbirth and neonatal death charity

Provides a range of support including a helpline and support groups for anyone affected by stillbirth or neonatal loss.

Find a bereavement counsellor

You can find a trained bereavement counsellor at this website.

Returning to work after death of your baby

Guidance if you are thinking or planning returning to work after the loss of your baby.

How to support bereaved adults

Whether you are family, a friend, employer, teacher or other professional, you can do a lot to support bereaved adults and their families, even in simple ways.

Pregnancy loss information and support

Offering support and information to those affected by miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or molar pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy support and helpline

Provides information, education and support to those whose lives are affected by ectopic pregnancy and to the professionals who care for them. 24hr helpline.

Remembrance photography for babies lost

Baby remembrance photography available in hospitals and birth centres for parents suffering the loss of their baby.

Support for families of victims and road accidents

Supporting bereaved families of victims of road accidents.

How to tell a young person that someone has died from coronavirus

Offers guidance on how to speak to children about death and dying, and about different causes of death, whether sudden or expected, through illness, accident, suicide or violence.

Guide to what to do when someone dies

When someone dies finding out what needs to be done can be overwhelming. This simple guide explains what you need to do first and what to do in the weeks and months that follow.

Support for those bereaved after murder and manslaughter

SAMM is a registered charity offering support to those bereaved by the murder or manslaughter (homicide) of a family member or close friend.

Online knife crimes resource

Providing information on knife crimes and offering peer support to families and friends affected by serious violent crime or bereaved as a result of homicide.

Sudden infant death syndrome information and support

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies, and offers emotional support for bereaved families.

Support for those attending an inquest

Emotional and practical help to bereaved families, witnesses and others attending an inquest. Helpline: 0300 111 2141. Helpline open Monday-Friday 9am-7pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Child bereavement support

Support for families and educate professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, and when a child is facing bereavement. Helpline and live chat weekdays 9am to 5pm.

Bereavement 24hour helpline and befriending

The Rosie Crane Trust supports bereaved parents who have lost a son or daughter of any age and at any stage in the bereavement. The trust offers a confidential 24hr helpline and befriending service.

Suicide bereavement support UK Facebook group

Provides support specifically for people who are suffering bereavement through suicide.

A guide to supporting someone affected by suicide

This short guide will make you feel more comfortable about reaching out to someone bereaved by suicide.

Baby loss information and support

Contact one of their midwives for support and advice following a pregnancy loss, or find information, stories and support at their website. They also run a Facebook group for bereaved parents.

Resources following bereavement by suicide

A useful site to find resources following bereavement by suicide including personal stories, the inquest handbook and The Road Ahead online guide.

Baby loss support and ceremonies

Information, advice and support for anyone who has suffered the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy, at birth or in infancy. They also host online remembrance ceremonies.

Support groups for those bereaved by suicide

Only those of us who have experienced this terrible tragedy can truly understand. Find a local support group or email us or call us Monday to Friday 9am to 9pm.

A guide to dealing with the impact of suicide

Free online guide to help anyone affected by suicide bereavement.

Support for those affected by child death

A helpline dedicated to befriending, and offering support to, those affected by child death.

Support for bereaved parents and their families

Helpline open every day from 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 10pm. Online support also available.

Support for those whose partner died young

WAY aims to provide peer-to-peer emotional and practical support to young widowed people.

Support for children bereaved by suicide

Provides support for children, young people, and families who have been bereaved by suicide.

Helps bereaved families after road accidents

Provides information and support services to people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes.

Baby bereavement support

Expert advice on safer sleep for babies, and emotional support for families affected by sudden infant death syndrome.

A safe space to talk about losing someone

A place for young people who have been bereaved to find friendship and support.

Support and information for childhood bereavement

Information for children and young people on dealing with bereavement and for local services dealing with bereaved children.

A podcast for people bereaved by a suicide

A podcast for anyone who has lost a parent, partner, family member, or friend to suicide.

Scottish support for homicide or suicide sufferers

Individual support for those affected by homicide or suicide in Scotland.

Guidance for siblings affected by suicide

Online guidance including information on how you may be feeling, supporting yourself and your parents, and what you may find helpful.

Support for those bereaved by epilepsy

Charity specialised in supporting and involving people bereaved by epilepsy.

Support for coping with grief

Offers one-to-one or group sessions to help you deal with a loss, including bereavement, end of a relationship or another significant life events that invokes grief.

Bereavement advice service

A free helpline and web-based information service that gives practical information and advice on many issues and procedures that face us after the death of someone close.

Learn from other young people coping with loss

This site is a safe place where you can learn from other young people how to cope with grief and feel less alone. Designed for any young person dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Signposting services for the bereaved

Find resources and local services if suffering from the loss of a loved one.

Cruse bereavement care services

Offers free and confidential support for adults and children after the death of someone close.

Grief podcast hosted by comedians

A podcast with comedians talking about death and grief, helping people feel supported in grieving.

Supporting people after a sudden death in their community

Helps suddenly bereaved people access specialist care through the provision of free information and advice services.

Supports Muslim women who have lost a loved one

A charity which supports bereaved Muslim women and offers free and confidential face-to-face and/or telephone support.

Support for bereaved children and their families

Supporting bereaved children and their families following the death of someone close. Services are free and open Mon-Fri 9am-9pm.